Your Natal Chart report is an astrological chart based on the mathematically precise positions of the planets and the Sun & Moon at the time, date and place of your birth. It provides you with insights into your character and personal life potentials by indicating the strengths you have and the challenges you experience in life.
Your Natal Chart report will cover among other things your primary motivation in life, your identity, emotions, mentality, love and sexuality, spirituality, earning ability and career potentialities and so on. The Reading is very detailed and will be around 20 pages.
You have the option to either receive your Birth Chart Reading electronically through email only, or have your Birth Chart Reading printed out in color and bound in a booklet that will be shipped out to you.
For the Report Reading I will need:
- Your Name
- Your Complete Date of Birth
- Place of Birth (Country, State, City)
- Time of Birth (Preferred but not mandatory)
- Your Full Working Email Address
- Complete Shipping Address if you are having it shipped out to you.
Ordering this reading means that I agree to the terms and conditions that I am at least 18 years of age, and in agreement with the fact that all readings are for entertainment purposes only. I also agree that Astrology by Melody does not provide any legal or medical advisement, makes not claim to do so, and that I should consult a medical or legal expert for any medical and/or legal expertise.
Note: If you order the 24 Hour Rush Delivery option, and do not submit your information (such as date of birth/place of birth) within an hour of the time you placed your order, the 24 hour delivery cannot be guaranteed).
* All sales are final. All services are non-refundable.