Astrological Update for November 2018:

astrology, citrine, november, scorpio, topaz -

Astrological Update for November 2018:

It’s Scorpio season until November 21st. November’s stones are topaz and citrine. Both these stones possess calming and warm properties.  The flower for the month of November is chrysanthemum otherwise known as mums.  So, let’s see what is astrologically going on. On November 7th, we will have a new moon in Scorpio.  The theme here is intense new beginnings.  You may find some doors opening for you in certain areas of your life. Some of the openings may feel overwhelming but with great strength you will pass through them.  November 8th Jupiter enters Sagittarius.  The underlying idea here is creative luck.  Jupiter is a very ambitious planet and Sagittarius is always aiming higher. Together this combination will give you the fire to initiate your projects and undertake any endeavors successfully.  November 9th Venus will be in Libra and form a trine to Mars in Aquarius.  How can we decode this? Well, a trine is a harmonious aspect. So, no trouble there!  The trine will provide a good balance between the energies of the planets involved.  Venus is the planet of love and a great fit in Libra, who is a natural lover.  Mars is the courageous warrior who feels creative in the freedom seeking Aquarius.  So, we see a harmonious balance and intensity between your love partnerships and your individuality. You are striking a great balance between your love relationships and keeping your own separate identity and sense of self.  On November 15th, Mars enters Pisces.  The creative warrior continues…. Venus then goes direct in Libra on November 16th.  Love and relationships will progress forward favorably.  November 16th until December 6th we will see Mercury go retrograde in Sagittarius.  Some areas of our lives will slow down a bit. This can be negative and positive.  Something we are waiting for may end up taking longer then we anticipated with some minor setbacks.  On a positive note, we may get some much-needed relaxation time from some dauting tasks……. more to come! #astrologybymelody

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