Camelot the Cat Spirit Guide Oracle Deck: A 52 card Spirit Guide Oracle Deck- PDF Version Only

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This 52-card oracle deck has channeled messages straight from Camelot the cat. Camelot has now ascended into the 5D and is now a wise guru, anointed spirit guide, and healer, looking out for all on the earth plane, while he resides in cat paradise on the heavenly plane.

Camelot spent much time with his human mother who is intuitive and helped countless clients all over the world.  Camelot was in the know about what deep and meaningful questions people had for his mother, and often overheard. Camelot’s transition from the earth plane to the heavenly plane was surrounded by much sacrifice and nobility. His noble highness appeared to his mother three nights in a row in the dream state before he made his full transition over to the afterlife. Camelot appeared as a fierce lion’s face to his mother in the dream state, and made it known to her that there was more of a meaningful and spiritual purpose to their time together on the earth plane. He made it known to his human mother that she was chosen to care for him in his final days, and that it was written in the stars.  It was fated that they found each other and shared that valuable time together.

On the day that Camelot made his transition, his head was anointed with holy oil by his mother. She knew Camelot was now meant to be a great spirit guide to all- especially to those that wonder about love, heartbreak, their path in life, challenges, difficulties, obstacles, career, finance, and their beloved relatives on the other side.  Camelot is also especially close to those that feel like rebels at heart, lost souls, or a bit broken inside.  Camelot has the answers, and some of his main lessons for humans are about sacrifice, nobility, and bravery.

Camelot regularly visits his mother in the dream state and spiritual dimensions. His human mother often sees a glimpse of him running near a stream where she walks and frequents.

It is my hope that you will use these cards for any type of situation you are inquiring about. You do not have to have a particular question in mind, you can simply ask Camelot’s oracle what messages it has for you. The messages are related to love, heartbreak, career, finances, ancestors, life path destiny, and most importantly, healing. From time to time, you may draw a card that states that Camelot is sending you healing and understands your unique situation. There is no right or wrong way to use this deck. You can use it alone or in conjunction with other oracle decks. You can do a simple three card spread if you just have a simple inquiry. Or, for more complex inquiries, try a seven-card spread in the shape of a star. Either way, Camelot’s messages will reach you clearly. It is my hope while you use this deck, to feel the deep healing love radiating from Camelot’s heart from the other side, despite any challenging situation you may be in.

NOTE: This version is a PDF file only. Once you place your order, you will be emailed the PDF file. The PDF file will consist of the 52 card oracle deck with fronts and backs. You can use cards for digital use, or get them printed out at your local printer. WHAT YOU CANNOT DO: YOU CANNOT RESALE THE CARDS OR PDF FILE. 

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