Course Overview:
All classes from Astrology by Melody are proudly accredited by the International Association of Therapists! You have the option to complete the course, along with a minimum of a 2-hour practicum and receive your Accredited certificate! Not only this, but you will then also be eligible for membership from the International Association of Therapists at a greatly discounted rate.
- Course Introduction- Includes course introduction and disclaimer.
- Reiki Review- Background, Symbols, Hand Positions, Cho Ku Rei (Power Symbol),& how to use it.
- The Seven Subtle Bodies
- Reiki Level 2, the Sei He Ki Symbol and how to use it
- Reiki Level 2: the Sha Ze Sho Nen (Distance Symbol) and how to use it
- Certificate of completion & IAOTH details
What you get from this course:
Background on Reiki and Review of Reiki 1
Reiki Level 1 and 2 (Cho Ku Rei & Sei He Ki Symbols) Attunement via Zoom
Reiki Level 2 (Sha Ze Sho Nen/Distance Symbol) Attunement via Zoom
Learn about the seven subtle bodies- primarily mental & emotional, in which you work with when working with the Se He Ki Symbol.
Learn about specific ways to use the Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, & Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbols
An Accredited Certificate of Completion (Optional if you are completing the 3 practice exercise practicums (practice sessions).
All materials are sent out to you electronically.
*All sales are final. All services are non-refundable.