A Forecast for Leo March 29, 2019.
Mercury is in Pisces until April 17, 2019. This puts it in the 8th house for Leo. You will find yourself engaging in some deep conversations with several close people during this time. These are much needed conversations and will serve as a form of talk therapy for you and those you are engaging with. There will be some hard to process feelings and conveying them into words will prove to be challenging at times for you and the others. None the less, these talks will be powerful and transformational.
Venus will be in Pisces until April 20, 2019. This puts Venus in the 8th house for Leo. You may receive a generous gift from your partner or lover during this time. You may also be in store for passionate night of romance in a beautiful setting.
Mars will be in Taurus until March 31. Then it goes to Gemini on April 1st and stays there until May 15, 2019. This puts Mars in the 11th house. You could have a disagreement or argument with a friend due to your conflicting views regarding a certain topic. This disagreement may come about at a social gathering or during a game of some sort. Maintain your composure and time will smooth things over.
Saturn is in Capricorn until March 22, 2020. This puts the planet in Leo’s 6th house for the next year and a half or so. Day to day duties may seem mundane, and tasks may take longer then you anticipated. Work for your superiors may seem laborious and taxing. However, you will get the needed time away to refresh yourself.
Jupiter is in Sagittarius until December 2, 2019. This puts Jupiter in Leo’s 5th house for most of the year. The Sun will be shining on all your leisure and creative pursuits this year. You will have extra creative abilities and a chance to really display your talents. You will be taking some sort holidays in the Sun that will be full of amusement and pleasure. You need these short get aways to renew and rejuvenate. A lucky time for you in sports, games, and recreation in general.
The Lunar Node is in the sign of Cancer for the rest of the year, putting it in Leo’s 12th house. The Universe is telling you to keep providing unselfish service to others, as it has something to do with your destiny. Even though it may seem at times you are giving a lot (your time, advice, service) to others and not getting back as much in return, this is not true. Sometimes we can’t see tangible rewards with our eyes but there are spiritual rewards waiting for you in your selfless giving to others who need your words of wisdom and empathy. The sacrifices you make will not go unnoticed and the Universe will give back to you great abundance in all things.
Some Aspects/Important Dates:
April 1st-The Moon will form a Square with Mars. You may have to chose between spending time with a friend or at another event today. Whichever you chose, someone is bound to end up unhappy and will let you know about it. Give your sincere apologies and move forward.
April 8th-The Moon will be sextile to the Lunar Node. This will be a lucky day for your and a friend as you both will engage in some type of charity or non profit work that will be fun and rewarding. You will make new friends and acquaintances with common goals.
April 14th-the Sun will form a Trine with Jupiter. You could be going on a fun and entertaining trip today that will be full of amusements. You also may meet a foreigner who helps you learn some great new knowledge. All in all, this is a lucky day for you.