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Aquarius relates to the 11th house of friends, benefactors, and good fortune. When there is a New Moon in Aquarius, it’s an ideal time for connecting with friends and social acquaintances.  Take this time to plan any social events, meetings, or gatherings in which you can communicate, catch up with, and share with your friends. You can also work on manifesting better friendships within your life. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you work with this New Moon: ·         Who are the important benefactors in my life and how can I pay homage to them? ·        ...

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The Winter Solstice has arrived, and it is now  time to embrace the magic that it brings us.  Spending more time in the darkness gives you the opportunity to go within, experience deep reflection, and introspection.  Focus on your own personal illumination through dream and candle work.  Prepare for the holidays and festive season with cheer. Let’s take a more in-depth look at the overall energy, attributes, and themes you can expect for this Winter Solstice, along with the major planetary aspects that the Moon and some of the  planets will be making this day: With the Moon in Virgo,...

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The energies of this New Moon in Pisces are intuitive, dreamy, healing, and spiritual. This is an excellent time to get in deeper touch with your own personal spirituality. You can create your own sacred space by filling it with the things that make you feel relaxed and in tune with the spiritual world. Pisces relates to the sleep cycle and dreams. Creating or using your own dream journal will help you connect with your subconscious. It is an ideal time to focus on your place of rest and what you can do to make your sleep a more pleasant...

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The New Moon in Leo is an ideal time to build up your confidence and self-expression. It’s also a time to be courageous and face any confrontations head on. The energy is set for creativity, artistic pursuits, and entertainment. This is an opportune time to set big goals for yourself and to think big.  It may be a time to take a major leap of faith and make a drastic move. This energy will be in your favor if any risk is involved. You can expect major breakthroughs within important partnerships and relationships.  Gift giving and acts of passion are...

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The New Moon in Leo is an ideal time to build up your confidence and self-expression. It’s also a time to be courageous and face any confrontations head on. The energy is set for creativity, artistic pursuits, and entertainment. Here are some prompts/questions you can ask yourself to help your work with this New Moon energy: How can I work on my self-confidence? How can I entertain friends, family, and those I care about? What do I need the courage to confront in my life right now? What creative pursuits or projects have I been wanting to start? Some of...

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