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Aquarius relates to the 11th house of friends, benefactors, and good fortune. When there is a New Moon in Aquarius, it’s an ideal time for connecting with friends and social acquaintances.  Take this time to plan any social events, meetings, or gatherings in which you can communicate, catch up with, and share with your friends. You can also work on manifesting better friendships within your life. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you work with this New Moon: ·         Who are the important benefactors in my life and how can I pay homage to them? ·        ...

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Gemini relates to the third house which is all about communication and learning. The energy of this Full Moon asks you to let go of anything that is not helping you to learn and grow. It also asks you to let go of unhealthy communication patterns or lack of communication within relationships. This energy wants to provide you with the ability to express yourself, your desires, needs, and wants when it comes to all the areas of your life. Here are some questions you can work with to help you harness the energies of this Full Moon: How can I...

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The Full Moon in Taurus asks you to nourish your physical body and the earth around you. Let go of earthly possessions that are no longer serving your highest good to make way to bring in renewed energy. This Full Moon is also an ideal time to do a check within regarding centering and grounding yourself. It’s a perfect time to make a Moon garden or tend to an existing one. Here are some prompts to work with: What material possessions can I let go of that I no longer need? What kinds of activities help me to feel more...

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Samhain marks the midpoint between the Fall and Winter Solstices. It is a time to start to prepare for spending more time in the darkness and embracing your shadow side. It is also a time to honor your ancestors and those who have passed on. This season of year is often described as the time the “veil is thinning”. This describes the thin boundary between the physical world and the spiritual realm. Spirit communication becomes easier and more obtainable during this time. Here are some simple rituals you can do to celebrate Samhain: Create an ancestor altar. Leave offerings outside...

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The energy of Libra focuses on all the important relationships in your life, both personal and professional.  This New Moon asks you to re-evaluate all the important relationships in your life. Take a close look at which relationships are working for you and which are not. Ask yourself the following questions to capture the energy of this New Moon: Which relationships are beneficial for you, and which have you possibly outgrown? Are there any relationships that are toxic and not in your best interest? Which relationships are you grateful for? How can you be a better partner? What would I...

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