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The energy of Libra focuses on all the important relationships in your life, both personal and professional.  This New Moon asks you to re-evaluate all the important relationships in your life. Take a close look at which relationships are working for you and which are not. Ask yourself the following questions to capture the energy of this New Moon: Which relationships are beneficial for you, and which have you possibly outgrown? Are there any relationships that are toxic and not in your best interest? Which relationships are you grateful for? How can you be a better partner? What would I...

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astrology, astrology forecasts, birth chart readings, full moon in scorpio, horoscope, natal chart readings, scorpio, Scorpio full moon, scropio zodiac sign -

Scorpio is home to the 8th house, which is all about death, re-birth, and transformations. With this Full Moon in Scorpio, you can expect some endings, new beginnings, and big changes. You can also expect some things in your life to come to light, where you may have needed some clarity and insight. This Full Moon is an ideal time to practice shadow work.  The shadow self is a counterpoint to the light. It is the side to the self that has not been expressed. It has been repressed or oppressed.  It can also be seen as an unconscious aspect...

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astrology, Imbolc, metaphysical readings, natal chart readings, Wheel of the Year -

It is  Imbolc, the season that is the midpoint between the winter solstice and Spring. It’s time to prepare to plant your seeds for the upcoming Spring season. Journal about some of your intentions and/or goals for this season. Think about some of the following questions to help you harness the energies of this season: What do I need to clear in my space to make way for new energy to come in? What seeds can I plant now that can grow and prosper? What new projects or activities have I been wanting to start? What new intentions and manifestations...

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astrology, Autumn, autumn equinox, fall equinox, Fall Solstice, horoscope, love, mabon, magical correspondences, natal chart readings, paganism, wheel of the year -

Autumn is upon us. Mabon, also known as the Witch’s Thanksgiving, is the second harvest festival, and opposite Ostara on the Wheel of the Year. It is time to start to prepare for the harvest season with gratitude and delight! Here is a list of ideas to celebrate the season: Do a major clean up within your home and give items you are no longer using to charity. Bake bread or apple themed dishes. Have a bonfire. Go on a nature walk. Make a gratitude list. Restore balance in your home. Make Fall crafts and create autumn art. Visit a...

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astrology, astrology forecast readings, astrology lovers, astronomy, birth chart, horsocope, lions gate, natal chart, natal chart readings, relationship astrology, synastry -

Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year, there is a cosmic alignment called, “the Lion’s Gateway”.  The Lion’s Gate opens this year on July 28th and runs until August 12th, peaking on August 12th. The Lion’s Gate is known to be a time of increased cosmic energy and when the veil is thinned between the physical and spiritual realms. The Lion’s Gate has ties to ancient Egypt and the alignment of the Egyptian pyramids. The Lion’s Gate corresponds with the fixed star Sirius.   The star Sirius is said to be twice the...

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