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The New Moon in Aries is direct and dynamic! This is an opportune time for you to manifest your goals, aspirations, and look at what really drives you instinctively. It may be time to analyze your true ambitions further.  Communication should be direct and to the point.  It’s time to take action towards what it is you want to manifest, as the energies no are in full alignment with your actions. This New Moon is also a Hybrid Solar Eclipse! You can expect big breakthroughs in the areas of new projects, intellectual pursuits, career, and love life. Some questions you...

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The Full Moon in Pisces makes everyone feel emotional and deep feeling. This energy is creative, inspiring, and emotional, so take advantage of getting in touch with your most heart-felt emotions and deepest desires during this time. You may have an urge to create a deep and meaningful piece of art or writing. This Full Moon asks you to release any deep emotions that have felt heavy or burdensome for you recently. It’s an opportune time to practice some shadow work, as shadow work can help you connect with your deepest and darkest emotions. For this Full Moon, here are...

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Monday- Monday is the day of the Moon. The Moon represents our intuition and our space to just be still and flow.  This is a good day for the following activities: Sit with your emotions. Flow along side your inner river of needs and wants. Practice self-care. Get creative and explore your artistic side. Journal and meditate. Allow your intuition to take the lead. Crystals to work with the Moon: Labradorite- for expanding the mind and connecting to higher realms. Tuesday- Tuesday is ruled by Mars. Mars is the planet of action and energy. Tuesdays represent the courage needed to...

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