imbolc RSS

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It is  Imbolc, the season that is the midpoint between the winter solstice and Spring. It’s time to prepare to plant your seeds for the upcoming Spring season. Journal about some of your intentions and/or goals for this season. Think about some of the following questions to help you harness the energies of this season: What do I need to clear in my space to make way for new energy to come in? What seeds can I plant now that can grow and prosper? What new projects or activities have I been wanting to start? What new intentions and manifestations...

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astrology, astrology readings, horoscope, imbolc, magical correspondences, spring solstice -

This New Moon is an opportune time for you to focus on your own originality and authenticity. Focus on building upon your unique character traits and what sets you apart from others. It is also Imbolc, the season that is the midpoint between the winter solstice and Spring. It’s time to prepare to plant your seeds for the upcoming Spring season. Think about some of the following questions to help you harness the energies of this season: • What do I need to clear in my space to make way for new energy to come in? • What seeds can...

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Imbolc marks the time halfway between the winter solstice and spring equinox! Look for the first sightings of spring during this special time. Imbolc has also been known as Brigid’s Day or Candlemas.  This day marks the rebirth of the Sun.  Traditionally, throughout the ages, Imbolc has been a significant time for livestock breeding season.  To get ready to harness the energies of Imbolc, ask yourself some of the following questions: What dreams and goals do I want to awaken? What important insights have I learned from the winter season so far? What creative projects would I like to start...

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