summer solstice RSS

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The Summer Solstice is a time for recreation, outdoors, fun, and adventure. Astrologically, the Sun is in the sign of Cancer, and relates to the 4th zodiacal house, all about our homes and families.  This is a time to harness the healing powers of the Sun. The energy is fresh and light-hearted. Some activities include making sun-catchers, sun crowns, and sun tea. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you work with the energies of the Summer Solstice: How can I benefit from the Sun’s rays? How can I connect with the power of the Sun? What...

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astrology, gemini, horoscope, new moon in gemini, summer equinox, Summer Solstice -

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and business. When the Moon is in Gemini, it creates an opportune time for you to focus on communication, socializing, social events, and friends. It is also an ideal time to plan any short trips, as Gemini loves to travel.  Gemini is also connected to the third house of the zodiac, which is all about teaching, learning, local travel, siblings, and your immediate environment. Ask yourself the following questions or use these prompts for journaling  to help you harness the energies of this New Moon: What social gatherings and events would...

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astrology, Love, Summer, Summer Equinox, Summer fun, Summer Rituals, Summer solstice, Wheel of the Year, zodiac Signs -

“ As the Sun spirals its longest dance, cleanse us as nature shows bounty and fertility. Bless us and let all things live with loving intent, and to fulfill their truest destiny.” The Summer Solstice marks a time for recreation, outdoors, fun, and adventure. Astrologically, the Sun is the ruler of Leo, and relates to the 5th zodiacal house. This is a time to soak up the Sun’s rays, feel invigorated, and re-energized.  The energy is fresh and light-hearted. Some activities include making sun-catchers, sun crowns, and sun tea. Now is the time to journal about some of your plans,...

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Lughnasadh, Magick, Pagan, Rituals, Summer Equinox, Summer solstice, Wheel of the Year -

Lughnasadh, or Lammas is the midpoint between Litha and Mabon on the Wheel of the Year. Here are some quick attributes/correspondences for Lughnasadh: Marks the beginning of the harvest season, especially grain. Many celebrate by baking bread and cakes Lughnasadh is named after the Sun God, Lugh. Also known as Lammas which comes from the old English term “Loaf mass”. Hot, fiery days even though they are slowly getting darker. About halfway between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox. Embrace the Sun’s energy and what you can bring to fruition. Would you like to know what is ahead for you for...

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astrology, celebrations, love, pagan, seasons, summer, summer equinox, summer solstice, wheel of the year -

The Summer Solstice, or Midsummer, is a time for recreation, outdoors, fun, and adventure. Astrologically, the Sun is the ruler of Leo, and is connected with the 5th zodiacal house. This is a time to soak up the Sun’s rays, feel invigorated, and re-energized.  The energy is fresh and light-hearted. Some activities include making sun-catchers, sun crowns, and sun tea. This will be the day where you can enjoy Sunlight for the longest amount of time. In just a couple of days, we will be entering the caring and nurturing season of Cancer. With its gentle energy, Cancer season helps...

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