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The energy of this Full Moon is ambitious and independent. Aries, being connected to the 1st zodiac house, asks you to focus on yourself as an individual and your own self-growth. Since this is a Full Moon, focus on reflecting on your past growth and practice gratitude for the ways you have grown. To harness the energy of this Full Moon, you may want to ask yourself the following questions: How have I grown as in individual? How can I be more self-sufficient? What do I need to release that has hindered my self-growth? What habits should I try to...

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The energy of Libra focuses on all the important relationships in your life, both personal and professional.  This New Moon asks you to re-evaluate all the important relationships in your life. Take a close look at which relationships are working for you and which are not. Ask yourself the following questions to capture the energy of this New Moon: Which relationships are beneficial for you, and which have you possibly outgrown? Are there any relationships that are toxic and not in your best interest? Which relationships are you grateful for? How can you be a better partner? What would I...

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Cancer is connected to the 4th house of the zodiac which is all about the home, family, and origins. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so the Moon feels right at home in this sign.  The energy of this New Moon in Cancer is nurturing, caring, and compassionate. It asks us to get in touch with our feelings. It is also intuitive and psychic in nature. Often, those born under the Sun sign of  Cancer have a hard external outside that they show to the world. However, this is only because they are so sensitive underneath.  If you are struggling...

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Astrologically, Capricorn relates to the 10th house and Midheaven.  When there is a full Moon in Capricorn, it creates an ambitious and motivated energy around career and work life. This is the opportune time to set specific career goals, take a new class, or acquire new skills that will boost your career. It is also a time to take audit of any procrastination or negative habits that may be setting you back from achieving more in your career and work. Make a list of these habits and tear it up, burn it, or through it away. You can ask yourself...

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The energies of this New Moon are intuitive, dreamy, healing, and spiritual. This is an excellent time to get in deeper touch with your own personal spirituality. You can create your own sacred space by filling it with the things that make you feel relaxed and in tune with the spiritual world. Pisces relates to the sleep cycle and dreams. Creating or using your own dream journal will help you connect with your subconscious. It is an ideal time to focus on your place of rest and what you can do to make your sleep a more pleasant experience. Some...

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