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 This New Moon is the perfect time to start setting your intentions to close out  the year. There is no better sign to work with for planning and organizing than Capricorn. This energy is ambitious, organized, and helps to jump start your motivation for goal setting. Here are some example questions you can ask yourself to help you get the most out of this New Moon: What are some short-term goals I have to close out the year? What are some long-term goals I would like to set for the upcoming New year? What are some of my intentions and/or...

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The energy of this Full Moon is ambitious and independent. Aries, being connected to the 1st zodiac house, asks you to focus on yourself as an individual and your own self-growth. Since this is a Full Moon, focus on reflecting on your past growth and practice gratitude for the ways you have grown. To harness the energy of this Full Moon, you may want to ask yourself the following questions: How have I grown as in individual? How can I be more self-sufficient? What do I need to release that has hindered my self-growth? What habits should I try to...

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Where did Sabian Symbols within the Zodiac Signs originate? The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 phrases that make up every degree of the zodiac signs.   They have a very mysterious origin and history behind them.  Historically, they originate from the Sabian tribe. The Sabian tribe was a mystical brotherhood from Mesopotamia.  In 1925, in San Diego, California, the Sabian tribe’s messages were channeled through the clairvoyant, Elsie Wheeler, with help from Astrologer Marc Edmund Jones.  All 360 messages were channeled in just one day.  Marc Edmund Jones believed that Elsie Wheeler had tapped into the “ancient mind matrix”...

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