full moon in virgo RSS

astrology, astrology forecasts, full moon, full moon in virgo, horoscope, virgo, zodiac signs -

Virgo is home to the 6th zodiac house which is all about work related duties and managing healthcare. When the Full Moon is in Virgo, this is an opportune time to look at practical and household duties that need done. It is also an ideal time to do a check-in on our health and those that we hold dear. Use this time to make an organized list of tasks related to work related and health care duties. You can ponder over these types of questions to help you harness this Full Moon’s energy: Have I scheduled my doctor’s appointments such...

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astrology, astrology lovers, full moon in virgo, moon rituals, moon work, virgo -

Virgo is home to the 6th zodiac house which is all about work related duties and managing healthcare. When the Full Moon is in Virgo, this is an opportune time to look at practical and household duties that need done. It is also an ideal time to do a check in on our health and those that we hold dear. Use this time to make an organized list of tasks related to work related and health care duties. You can ponder over these types of questions to help you harness this Full Moon’s energy: Have I scheduled my doctor’s appointments...

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