full moon in gemini RSS

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Gemini relates to the third house which is all about communication and learning. The energy of this Full Moon asks you to let go of anything that is not helping you to learn and grow. It also asks you to let go of unhealthy communication patterns or lack of communication within relationships. This energy wants to provide you with the ability to express yourself, your desires, needs, and wants when it comes to all the areas of your life. Here are some questions you can work with to help you harness the energies of this Full Moon: How can I...

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The Full Moon is a time to let go of pent up energies that have been weighing you down. It is an excellent time to write down anything you want to let go of or get rid of in your life that is not serving your highest good.  With the completion of another Moon cycle, you have learned and grown. This makes it also a time to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small, and to give thanks to your blessings. The Full Moon in Gemini will make you and everyone around you curious about worldly matters. You and others...

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