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accredited, accredited masterclasses, astrology, auras, masterclasses, mediumship, online learning, psychic, psychic development, psychic development masterclass, spellcasting, telepathy -

Benefits of Psychic Development  Working towards your own personal psychic development has many benefits. Firstly, you are working with higher knowledge and with powerful information from the subconscious and universal minds.  This begins to raise your vibration.  Here are some other benefits of working towards your own psychic development: Your health can improve, emotionally and physically. As we are mind, body and soul, our emotional health is connected to our physical health. Since psychic development involves mediation, mindfulness, and visualizations, you are reaping the benefits of all these modalities on a spiritual and physical level. You will be less stressed,...

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accredited, accredited masterclasses, astrology classes, distant learning, masterclasses, metaphysical classes -

All  Master classes from Astrology by Melody are proudly accredited by the International Association of Therapists! You have the option to complete the course, along with a minimum of a 2-hour practicum and receive your Accredited certificate! Not only this, but you will then also be eligible for membership from the International Association of Therapists at a greatly discounted rate of $10 a year!  Gain your accredited certificate remotely from the safety and security of your own home at your own pace! Learn about rich metaphysical topics that you love. With full support from Melody along your learning journey! 

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