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This full Moon asks you to examine your past and let go of any baggage you may be holding on to. The energy is nostalgic and dreamy. It is good time to reminisce about good times of the past. It is also a time to focus on family and your home. Ask yourself some of the following questions to help you work with this Full Moon: Are there any of my family members that need special care and nurturing right now? Which relationships have been toxic for me and not benefiting me overall? How can I improve my home and...

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The Full Moon in Cancer creates a sacred space in time for releasing painful emotions and feelings from the past.  Cancer is a very nostalgic sign and is ruled by the Moon, making this placement very emotional. Cancer is connected with the fourth zodiac house, the house of family, traditions, and origins.  Emotional security is of upmost importance to Cancer. When the Moon is in Cancer, you are being asked to do an audit of your family and domestic life.  Take a look around and see what needs done or worked on within your home, such as improvements, fixes, and...

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