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Virgo is home to the 6th zodiac house which is all about work related duties and managing healthcare. When the New Moon is in Virgo, this is an opportune time to look at practical and household duties that need done. It is also an ideal time to do a check-in on our health and those that we hold dear. Use this time to make an organized list of tasks related to work related and health care duties. You can ponder over these types of questions to help you harness this New Moon’s energy: Have I scheduled my health-related appointments such...

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1111, astrology, birth chart readings, horoscope, intention setting, journal prompts, lunar eclipse, manifestation, natal chart readings, taurus, wheel of the year, zodiac signs -

The Full Moon in Taurus asks you to nourish your physical body and the earth around you. Let go of earthly possessions that are no longer serving your highest good to make way to bring in renewed energy. This Full Moon is also an ideal time to do a check within regarding centering and grounding yourself.  With this Full Moon also being a Lunar Eclipse, the energies will be amplified.  Taurus is connected to the second house, which is the house of money and possessions. Expect sudden breakthroughs, endings, and new beginnings surrounding material and financial matters. Here are some...

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1010, 1010 portal, astrology, intention setting, life path number, manifestation, numerology, numerology forecasts, numerology life path, numerology readings -

The Numerology of Number 1 Number 1 represents individuality, independence, and self-sufficiency. This number resonates with a person who is original and unique. A person with a Life Path Number 1 also usually possesses high leadership characteristics and traits. This person is a strong individual and has a great ability to make their own unique mark on the world. The Numerology of Number 0 The Number 0 represents the infinite void. This number resonates with all that has been and all that will ever be. The Number 0 represents the entire Universe and each person’ individual connection to the whole...

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1111, 1212, 88, goals, intention setting, law of attraction, manifestation, money manifestation -

The Wanting Mindset The wanting mindset can be described as not being sure about what you want, but still feeling incomplete.  It can also consist of overthinking about how things can go in all possible directions. The wanting mindset can also consist of being shortsighted and too narrow in the perspective of what you want (you want true love, but instead you want to be with a specific person who may not be the best for this experience). The Manifesting Mindset The manifesting mindset consists of being assertive about what it is you want. It also consist of not worrying...

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