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Aquarius relates to the 11th house of friends, benefactors, and good fortune. When there is a New Moon in Aquarius, it’s an ideal time for connecting with friends and social acquaintances.  Take this time to plan any social events, meetings, or gatherings in which you can communicate, catch up with, and share with your friends. You can also work on manifesting better friendships within your life. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you work with this New Moon: ·         Who are the important benefactors in my life and how can I pay homage to them? ·        ...

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Aquarius relates to the 11th house of friends, benefactors, and good fortune. When there is a Full Moon in Aquarius, it’s an ideal time for connecting with friends and social acquaintances.  Take this time to plan any social events, meetings, or gatherings in which you can communicate, catch up with, and share with your friends. You can also work on manifesting better friendships within your life. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you work with this Full Moon: Who are the important benefactors in my life and how can I pay homage to them? What social...

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This New Moon is an opportune time for you to focus on your own originality and authenticity. Focus on building upon your unique character traits and what sets you apart from others. It’s also a great time to focus on humanitarian causes and the greater good of the collective. Think about some of the following questions to help you harness the energies of this New Moon: What sets me apart from others and how can I build upon those unique traits? What humanitarian causes am I passionate about? What does authenticity mean to mean? What unique contributions do I have...

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Keywords: Intention Setting, Manifesting, Charging, Thinking outside the box, Innovation, Invention, Advocacy, Strong Friendships, Breakthroughs in Love, Wish-Fulfillment, Rebellion, Unconventional, Freedom from the Known. For this New Moon, set your intentions high. Think outside the box.  Dream up a whole new world! This will be a very powerful New Moon, as both the Sun and Moon will be in Aquarius, along with four other planets, creating a stellium in Aquarius! Mercury will be in Aquarius and will influence communication and business. Expect innovative technologies and inventive ideas coming through.  Expect an increase in communication from friends and important acquaintances. With...

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The Full Moon is time to release what no longer serves us. It is a time to close up a cycle and look forward to what is to come. The Full Moon in Aquarius asks us to embrace what makes us unique and different. It asks us to follow our own personalized paths and practice gratitude for the journey this far. Full Moon in Aquarius Energy and Correspondences Aquarius, or the water-bearer, actually exhibits an air element and a fixed mode. It is dually ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus. Aquarius can often find an inter conflict between conformity...

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