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Monday- Monday is the day of the Moon. The Moon represents our intuition and our space to just be still and flow.  This is a good day for the following activities: Sit with your emotions. Flow along side your inner river of needs and wants. Practice self-care. Get creative and explore your artistic side. Journal and meditate. Allow your intuition to take the lead. Crystals to work with the Moon: Labradorite- for expanding the mind and connecting to higher realms. Tuesday- Tuesday is ruled by Mars. Mars is the planet of action and energy. Tuesdays represent the courage needed to...

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The new moon is a time for new beginnings.  It’s a time for a clean slate and to give birth to new ideas.  It can also be a time for gathering and planning. It is the beginning of a whole new cycle.  It is also an ideal time to manifest our wishes, hopes, desires and aspirations.  The art of manifestation requires us to act in an initiating and empowering role. We are trying to create something. We are trying to transform our ideas into events. We are trying to move an idea from the mental plane into the physical plane.   Intention and focus are key, along with visualization.  We are the Magician archetype, the first card of the Tarot. The Magician has everything he needs to give birth to his mental ideas and move them forward into physical existence. He plays an active role in doing so.

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