A Forecast for Sagittarius- February 24, 2019

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A Forecast for Sagittarius- February 24, 2019

A Forecast for Sagittarius:

Mercury will be in Pisces until April 17th. This puts Mercury in the 4th house for Sagittarius.  There will be much discussion going on between you and your family members about some issues and opportunities that are important to you. Everyone may have their own valid opinion, but at the end of the day you must do what is best for you.

Venus will be in Capricorn until March 1st. On March 2, it will move into Aquarius and be there until March 26th, 2019. This puts Venus in 2nd and 3rd houses for Sagittarius. You will be gaining some attractive new skills during this time that will make you very marketable.  You may have some meetings, either of study or business, in a very surprisingly beautiful and serene setting. 

Mars will be in Taurus until March 31, 2019.  This puts Mars in the 6th house for Sagittarius.  You may feel a bit under the weather during this time with a minor cold or sinus problems.  However, you will find the necessary remedies.  You sense of duty may be up at this time as you feel you may have been slacking some due what you see as a minor illness malfunctioning.  This could make you feel anxious.

Jupiter will be in Sagittarius until December 2, 2019.  This puts Jupiter in the 1st house for Sagittarius. You will have much luck in new projects and your efforts to move forward.  You will find that you have a renewed sense of energy which makes you more motivated. A lucky year for your personal interests.

Saturn will be in Capricorn until March 22, 2020.  This puts Saturn in the second house for Sagittarius. You were really hoping for a quicker return on your investment, but it is looking like it is going to take a lot longer.  Your finances could prove challenging in the meantime, as you must decide which areas to focus on and where priority lies.

The Lunar Node will be in Cancer for the rest of the year and beyond. This puts the lunar node in the 8th house for Sagittarius.   Your destiny for this year is to expand yourself far and wide. This could be on a professional and personal level.  Traveling out of the country is also on your horizon.

Some Aspects/Important Dates:

On February 27th, the moon will form a conjunction to Jupiter.  You will feel very enthused about a new project you have been offered.  You will plan to make full efforts to move forward with it. However, be careful you have though of everything. 

March 2nd-the Moon will be sextile to Mercury.   This will be a good day for money in the family.  This could mean you or someone within your family will come into money. Someone will receive a letter or correspondence regarding the funds.

March 7th-the Moon will form a square to Jupiter.  There will be some opposing views with regards to your ambitions. You are deadest on what you want to do but some of your family members may disagree and try to influence you to see their side. 





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