Autumn Equinox & Astrological Forecast- September 22, 2024

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Autumn Equinox & Astrological Forecast- September 22, 2024

The Autumn Equinox is upon us! The days will start to lessen, as the nights will get longer.  It is time to start to prepare for the harvest season with gratitude and delight! Here is a list of ideas to celebrate the season:

  • Do a major clean up within your home and give items you are no longer using to charity.
  • Bake bread or apple themed dishes.
  • Have a bonfire.
  • Go on a nature walk.
  • Make an Autumn potpourri.
  • Decorate your home or your altar for Mabon.
  • What would I like to release that is no longer working for me?

Let’s take a more in depth look at the overall energies, attributes, and themes you can expect for the Autumn Equinox, along with the major planetary aspects that the Moon and some personal planets will be making this day:

Moon in Gemini

With the Moon in Gemini, you now have a strong need to communicate your feelings. It is possible that you will rationalize your emotions or allow your intellect to control your emotional life now.  Your home may now be the center of learning or lively discussion.

Pluto will form a Trine with the Moon

Right now, your feelings are deep, intense, and somewhat complicated. However, you now have acute instincts and can sense emerging difficulties in associations and deal with them before they become unmanageable.  You now may become obsessed with particular objectives and will concentrate your emotional energy into attaining their realization.


Neptune will be Sextile to the Moon

You are now highly perceptive and sensitive to influences around you and able to pick up on the feelings of others and mood of the environment.  Your empathetic manner attracts others to you, and you know how to comfort and heal those in need. Your dream life is now very active.


Uranus will form a Conjunction with the Moon

You may now tend to rebel against restrictions on your freedom and independence.  You can be strong-willed and ambitious and capable of sacrificing emotional and family relationships for the attainment of personal objectives.  You have a sharp intuition now, and can be uncannily perceptive about people and situations.


The Moon will form a Trine with the Sun

You have a sense of inner harmony and in general a good relationship with the opposite sex and your family.  Physically, you feel like you have good stamina now, and strong recuperative powers.


Mars is in Cancer

Your emotional life may feel highly charged now, and you may tend to act or react according to your feelings when it comes to relationships. On the negative end of the spectrum, you may feel moody or irritable now. Arguments in the home and with family members may feature now. Positively, you have  a protective instinct that leads you towards creating a safe and secure home for yourself and your loved ones. You may  now feel the need to keep busy around the home in order to burn off excess energy.


Fall Equinox Magical Correspondences


Symbolism: The second harvest, equality, and balance.

Colors: orange, red, yellow, brown, purple.

Crystals: amber, citrine, cat’s eye, aventurine.

Herbs: acorns, mugwort, rose hips, rosemary, yarrow.

Foods: corn, beans, squash, apples.

Incense: Benzoin, myrrh, sage.

Symbols: cornucopia, corn stalks, acorns, vines, leaves.

Spells: Ancestor honoring, blessings, divination work.


Harness the powers and energies of the moon and work with moon intention setting and manifestation with my “Moon Planner Journal.” Order it on the Saged Marketplace or order it here:  

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