Full Moon in Aquarius & Astrological Forecast- August 19, 2024

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Full Moon in Aquarius & Astrological Forecast- August 19, 2024

Aquarius relates to the 11th house of friends, benefactors, and good fortune. When there is a Full Moon in Aquarius, it’s an ideal time for connecting with friends and social acquaintances.  Take this time to plan any social events, meetings, or gatherings in which you can communicate, catch up with, and share with your friends. You can also work on manifesting better friendships within your life.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you work with this Full Moon:

  • Who are the important benefactors in my life and how can I pay homage to them?
  • What social gatherings would I like to plan to share with my friends?
  • How can I be a better friend to others?
  • What are some ways in which networking can benefit me?
  • What do I want to release during this Full Moon that no longer serves me?

Let’s take a more in depth look at the overall energies, attributes, and themes you can expect for the Full Moon in Aquarius, along with the major planetary aspects that the Moon and personal planets will be making this day:

Moon in Aquarius

With the Moon in Aquarius, you will be feeling like a true humanitarian, and will feel inclined to put others’ emotional needs before your own.  You have an understanding, yet somewhat detached nature, which can be seen as cool and aloof.  While you enjoy emotional contact right now, your natural tendency is to maintain independence.  This may cause some misunderstandings in intimate relationships.  Your domestic arrangements are likely to be unique now.

The Moon will be Opposition to the Sun

You now desire inner harmony.  However, you may also feel discontented and tense. Your drive for recognition may override your emotional needs and vice versa.  Your relationships with the opposite sex may be somewhat strained.  There may be discord between your parents now that you may notice.

The Moon will also form an Opposition to Mercury

Your mind is acute and quick to comprehend things, however, it may not necessarily be consistent or well ordered. You are now highly perceptive and can easily sense the mood and feelings of others. Your mind is both fertile and imaginative and hungry for knowledge. You can also be inclined to change your views and opinions, engage in gossip, or be overly critical of others now.


The Moon will form a Trine with Mars


Under this aspect, you will enjoy keeping busy and initiating new projects and enterprises.  Being bold and courageous, you will speak your mind and express yourself in a direct manner in confrontational situations.  Others will know where they stand with you.

The Moon will be Square Uranus

You may feel a need to rebel against restrictions on your freedom and independence.  You can now be very strong-willed and ambitious and capable of making sacrifices for the attainment of personal objectives.  Negatively, there can be states of anxiety and nervous tension. Stained family dynamics and changeable relationships with women are possible now.


Venus will be in Virgo

You enter into relationships now cautiously, but once committed you will be dedicated. You may now be shy and reserved socially and find it difficult to make contacts easily. An overly critical attitude or taking the moral high ground can make for missed opportunities in love.  You have a practical approach to love, which is fine, but it can weaken spontaneity if taken too far.


Mercury will be in Leo

You are now a self-assured communicator and a strong-minded person with firm convictions and fixed opinions.  As you are expressive and forceful in your manner of communicating, people will follow your lead.  You prefer to look at the overall picture now. A mass of facts and figures is likely to bog you down and stifle your creativity.


Aquarius Zodiac sign Magical Correspondences

Aquarius Zodiac Signs House Correspondence 

Aquarius zodiac signs correspond to the eleventh house of the zodiac. The eleventh house of the zodiac has also been known as the house of good fortune and wishes.  This house has to do with friends, acquaintances, and benefactors.   For Aquarius, having and gaining many friends is a significant life motivator for this zodiac sign.  

Aquarius Zodiac Signs Crystal and Gemstone Correspondences  

Aquarius zodiac signs correspond to the crystals and gemstones of amber, amethyst, angelite, antacamite, aquamarine, blue celestite, blue obsidian, boji stone, chrysoprase, fluorite, labradorite, magnetite, and moonstone.  

Aquarius Zodiac Signs Herb Correspondences  

Aquarius zodiac signs correspond to the following herbs- snakeroot, southernwood, prickly ash, chamomile, catnip, passionflower, skullcap, lady’s slipper, valerian, and hops.  

Aquarius Zodiac Signs Body Correspondences  

Medical Astrology designates certain parts and systems of the body with each of the zodiac signs. Aquarius zodiac signs correspond to the lower legs, ankles, circulation, and the pineal body.  


Aquarius Zodiac Signs Tarot Correspondences 

The Aquarius zodiac Sign corresponds to the Star Tarot card, and to the number seventeen. The Star card is associated with the wish fulfillment of the eleventh house, which is associated with Aquarius. The zodiac sign of Aquarius also corresponds to the Page of Swords tarot card, as the Page of Swords tarot card exhibits rationality and emotional detachment like the sign of Aquarius.  


Harness the powers and energies of the moon and work with moon intention setting and manifestation with my “Moon Planner Journal.” Order it on the Saged Marketplace or order it here:


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