Full Moon in Virgo & Moon Aspect Forecast- February 24, 2024
Virgo is home to the 6th zodiac house which is all about work related duties and managing healthcare. When the Full Moon is in Virgo, this is an opportune time to look at practical and household duties that need done. It is also an ideal time to do a check-in on our health and those that we hold dear. Use this time to make an organized list of tasks related to work related and health care duties.
You can ponder over these types of questions to help you harness this Full Moon’s energy:
- Have I scheduled my doctor’s appointments such as routine checkups and/or any medical tests or labs for myself or a family member?
- What practical and work-related tasks need to be done around my home?
- How can I better organize items within my home or personal space?
- What can I add to or modify to my health regimen or wellness routine?
- Are there any new supplements, vitamins, work-out routines, or diets I would like to try?
- What are some of my intentions and/or goals for this New Moon?
Let’s take a more in depth look at the overall energies, attributes, and themes you can expect for the Full Moon in Virgo, along with the major planetary aspects that the Moon will be making this day:
Moon in Virgo
With the Moon in Virgo, you will be pragmatic and put practical considerations before your emotional needs. Family matters will be on our mind, and you will responsibilities and obligations will be important to you right now. There may be some difficulties expressing your feelings, as you will feel a bit shy and reserved. Right now, you will value tidiness and cleanliness in your home and work environments. You may also be overly fussy and picky right now.
The Moon will form an Opposition with the Sun
This aspect can be challenging. While you desire inner harmony, you will also feel a bit discontented and tense. Your drive for recognition can override your emotional needs and vice versa. Your relationships with the opposite sex may be strained right now. There may also be discord between your parents.
The Moon will form an Opposition with Mercury
Your thoughts are influenced by your feelings right now, and vice versa. Your mind is acute and quick to comprehend things, however, it may not necessarily be consistent or well ordered. You are highly perceptive and can easily sense the moods and feelings of others. Your mind is both fertile and imaginative and hungry for knowledge. You can also be inclined to change your views and opinions, engage in gossip, criticise others, and stretch the truth on occasion.
The Moon will form a trine with Jupiter
This beneficial aspect makes you socially aware and ready to help other people. You know how to enjoy yourself right now and will feel fonder of sociable and pleasurable activities. Your relations with women right now will be very positive. You may be dreaming of faraway travel and set some plans in place to do so.
The Moon will form an Opposition with Saturn
You may not find it easy to express your feelings to others right now, even those who have your trust. You may feel overwhelmed and exhausted by family responsibilities and it is possible that your relationship with a parent is distant or emotionally unfulfilling currently. You may have feelings of recycling anxiety and worry right now.
Virgo Zodiac Sign Magical Correspondences
As always, here are some magical correspondences you can work with for the Full Moon in Virgo.
Virgo Zodiac Signs House Correspondence
Virgo zodiac signs correspond to the sixth house of the zodiac. The sixth house of the zodiac is all about service and health. For Virgo, being of great service and dedication to something or someone is a significant life motivator for this zodiac sign.
Virgo Zodiac Signs Crystal and Gemstone Correspondences
Virgo zodiac signs correspond to the crystals and gemstones of amazonite, amber, blue topaz, carnelian, chrysocolla, citrine, dioptase, garnet, magnetite, moonstone, moss agate, opal, peridot, purple obsidian, rubellite, rutilated quartz, sapphire, sardonyx, smithsonite, sodalite, sugilite, and okenite.
Virgo Zodiac Signs Herb Correspondences
Virgo zodiac signs correspond to the following herbs: skullcap, blackberry, dill, fennel, flax, and plantain.
Virgo Zodiac Signs Food Correspondences
Virgo zodiac signs correspond to endive, millet, corn, wheat, barley, oats, rye, rice, potatoes, carrots, turnips, swedes; all vegetables that grow under the earth, and nuts.
Virgo Zodiac Signs Body Correspondences
Medical Astrology designates certain parts and systems of the body with each of the zodiac signs. Virgo zodiac signs correspond to the intestines, duodenum, Peyer’s patches, solar plexus, abdomen, and the parasympathetic nervous system.
Virgo Zodiac Signs Tarot Correspondences
The Virgo zodiac Sign corresponds to the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card, and to the number six. The Queen of Pentacles card exhibits nurturing and tactful energy like the zodiac sign of Virgo. The zodiac sign of Virgo rules the Hermit tarot card, as the Hermit tarot card exhibits a service-oriented energy like the sign of Virgo.
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