New Moon in Aquarius- Wish upon a Star- February 11, 2021
Intention Setting, Manifesting, Charging, Thinking outside the box, Innovation, Invention, Advocacy, Strong Friendships, Breakthroughs in Love, Wish-Fulfillment, Rebellion, Unconventional, Freedom from the Known.
For this New Moon, set your intentions high. Think outside the box. Dream up a whole new world! This will be a very powerful New Moon, as both the Sun and Moon will be in Aquarius, along with four other planets, creating a stellium in Aquarius!
Mercury will be in Aquarius and will influence communication and business. Expect innovative technologies and inventive ideas coming through. Expect an increase in communication from friends and important acquaintances.
With Venus in Aquarius, Expect big breakthroughs and turnarounds in love. Expect to find love in unusual or off beat places. There may also be surprises and unexpected gestures and renewals of love.
Jupiter is right at home in Aquarius, as Jupiter is connected to the 11th house of good fortune. This energy brings prosperity and good luck, especially surrounding friends, and benefactors.
Saturn is also comfortable in Aquarius, as it is one of the planets that rule Aquarius. However, these two energies are used to clashing. Many will feel torn between traditionalism and unconventional ideologies. Restriction versus freedom is also felt here.
It is time to wish upon a Star! Aquarius is connected with the Star card in the tarot. The Star card is all about longing, wishes and wish fulfillment. Aquarius is connected to the 11th house of the zodiac. This is the house of friends, benefactors, and wish-fulfillment. It is also considered the house of good fortune! If things haven’t recently been going your way, expect a huge turn around in your luck!
It is especially the right time to build upon your unique talents and attributes. Aquarius energy is also very humanitarian, so it asks you to look for ways you can help raise the collective consciousness and vibration of the planet. Aquarius energy also asks us to focus on our important friendships and how we can give back to our loyal friends.
Here are some journal prompts to help you work with the New Moon in Aquarius energy:
- What sets me apart from others and makes me unique?
- How can I use my unique traits and characteristics for the betterment of humanity?
- What advocacy groups am I drawn to or would like to take part in?
- Have I reached out to a friend in need?
- What is my wish fulfillment and what can I do to help manifest it?
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