New Moon in Cancer- July 20, 2020
New Moon in Cancer- July 20, 2020
The New Moon in Cancer is a time that we will be feeling very nostalgic for the past. We will be pondering past memories with family, and longing for these lost times of the past. We may feel an inner need to visit our place of origin or someplace from our past. The New Moon in Cancer makes us focus on our homes and home improvement. We may feel to spend more time at home right now connecting with our immediate environment. Although we are reflecting on the past, the new Moon asks us to focus on setting our intentions for the future. We will feel a sense of heightened sensitivity during this time. You may feel even more heightened emotions if you have your Sun or Moon in Cancer in your birthchart. If energies feel too intense, a spiritual detox is recommended. Clearing your space helps clear negative energies. Work with moonstone or clear crystal quartz.
I also have a New Moon Manifestation Ritual that can be used at the time of any new moon.
New Moon Manifestation Ritual:
The new moon is a time for new beginnings. It’s a time for a clean slate and to give birth to new ideas. It can also be a time for gathering and planning. It is the beginning of a whole new cycle. It is also an ideal time to manifest our wishes, hopes, desires and aspirations. The art of manifestation requires us to act in an initiating and empowering role. We are trying to create something. We are trying to transform our ideas into events. We are trying to move an idea from the mental plane into the physical plane. Intention and focus are key, along with visualization. We are the Magician archetype, the first card of the Tarot. The Magician has everything he needs to give birth to his mental ideas and move them forward into physical existence. He plays an active role in doing so.
Items Needed:
Clear Crystal Quartz, Moonstone, Tiger’s Eye, Rose Quartz, and/or Labradorite-Any of these crystals would work well for manifestation. You can use any or all, or a combination. Clear Crystal Quartz is generally good for any type of manifestation. Tiger’s Eye is especially good for manifesting wealth. Rose Quartz, for love. Labradorite, for a transformation of any kind.
Mugwort herb/leaves/teabags-Known for eons to be a magical herb associated with clairvoyance, has been known to produce visionary dreams.
Yellow Candle-Yellow is good for manifesting thoughts, confidence, bringing plans into action, creativity, intelligence, mental clarity, and clairvoyance.
A Journal or Notebook-Writing your wishes down is transferring your thoughts, hopes, wishes and aspirations out into the universe.
Step 1: Gather the above items for the new moon manifestation ritual. Clear your space as clutter distracts your manifestation. Set up your items. You can be creative in the setup, as there is no exact right or wrong way to set up your items. The most important thing here is setting up a sacred space and intention.
Step 2: Light your candle. Focus and visualize what you want to happen. You use as much time as you need for this.
Step 3: Write three wishes down in your journal or notebook. Place some mugwort on top of the words you have written.
Step 4: Recite this mantra:” I have clearly decided what I want. I believe I can have it. I believe I deserve and that it is highly possible for me. I trust the universe will comprise a way to manifest it”. (You can add your own words with regards to your own personal situation).