Pet Astrology: Improving the Bond and Compatibility with Your Pets
Pet Astrology: Improving the Bond and Compatibility with Your Pets
Your pets can be your best friends. Like us, they have their unique personality traits and characteristics. While you may not know the exact time the animal was born, the chart for the day of birth can help unravel an incredible amount of information. But having a good relationship with your pet goes beyond just knowing its date or time of birth.
Truth is, most of us go through life wanting to discover more about ourselves. Our unique traits can affect our interactions with others, especially when these characteristics tend to clash. However, we gain better understanding of others and sort out issues when we talk and share our feelings. But this goal can be more difficult with animals since they cannot speak our language. This is why pet astrology is a great and fun way to not only learn what makes your pet tick, but bond with them.
Find out what makes your pet unique according to its star sign and discover how to build a great relationship with them!
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Quirky, weird, eccentric, and erratic – these few words perfectly describe Aquarian pets. Aquarius – an air sign ruled by the planet Uranus – describes pets that often seem to love variety. Yes, they can feel irritated when things get a little predictable. They are natural explorers, extremely independent, yet social. Happy-go-lucky and very entertaining, Aquarians are an ideal choice if you are looking for a best friend furry. While they are not the cuddliest of pets, they are wonderful to get on with.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces – a water sign ruled by planet Neptune – is composed of certain aspects of the other eleven zodiac signs. As a result Piscean pets’ display the traits of many other signs of the zodiac, and this makes them act confused at times. Piscean pets tend to pace back and forth around a room, moving abruptly from one activity to another or even follow you everywhere around the house. They are also extremely intuitive to feelings. Piscean pets can sense your bad moods and even try to cheer you up, as they want to look out for your wellbeing. Pisces also love to play in cool environments, swim, and relax. However, they can be clumsy at times. So, if you’ve got expensive decorative accessories at home, ensure it is out of their reach.
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
Aries pets are often associated with energy, courage, and impatience. This is in part because it is ruled by Mars. They are also bound to be extremely independent and self-confident. However, this is not always a good trait as your pet may think of itself as an alpha animal, causing it to be intolerant and engage in fights with other animals.
Taurus (April 21 – May 21)
Taurus is a sign ruled by planet Venus. Pets under this sign, according to pet astrology are likely to be compassionate, easy-going, and strong. They are hardly moved by the prospect of playing in the backyard; for them, it feels great when they have a bowl of fresh meaty food or a long nap on a cozy bed. The kind nature of Taurus pets makes them a great companion for children.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
Ruled by planet Mercury, pets born under the Gemini sign are typically creative, playful, and attention seekers. They are great communicators and love to show off. Gemini pets hate routines and can even become impatient when those around them cannot keep up with their energy. To bond well with the pet, take the time to introduce it to new experiences, environments, and tricks. It will quickly catch up with your actions as the pet is an eager-to-please, high intelligence animal.
Cancer (June 22 – July 23)
Pets under the Cancer sign tend to be very moody and sensitive. Pet astrology describes Cancerian pets as being in need of attention constantly. They like to know and feel that they are valued in the family. In fact, a Cancerian pet may think it is one of your children. As a result, a routine change such as getting locked out of the home at night or staying home alone while you are on a vacation may upset them. Cancer pets are also vulnerable to stomach and digestive tract upsets, so they may need specially formulated food for their sensitive system.
Leo (July 24 – August 23)
Leos, like their sign the lion, are fearless, confident, and a tad vain. They love to be spoiled and pampered and are always in need of the attention the spotlight brings. Their fierce loyalty to their owners is a major personality trait of the pet, and because of this character, they are always willing to defend their owners to the death.
Virgo (August 24 – September 23)
Virgo pets are typically fastidious, picky, yet hard-working. They thrive best when under an order or a routine, so it will be ideal to keep walks and mealtime punctual. They are also the cleanest pets as they spend a lot of time on their personal grooming. They need their environment to be as clean as themselves; however, they are relatively low maintenance pets, so long as you stick to a consistent routine.
Libra (September 24 – October 23)
Libra pets are commonly known as social animals. Ruled by planet Venus, most Libras seek companionship; they love the company of other animals, enjoy going on trips, and getting groomed so they can look their breathtaking best.
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
A water sign ruled by planet Pluto, Scorpio pets are a bit of a puzzle as they can be extremely independent, yet extremely loyal to its owners. It would be hardly surprising to find a Scorpio dog or cat wandering off on its own for some sort of adventure. But rest assured your pet will always return home, even against the odds.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
Ruled by planet Jupiter, Sagittarius is the zodiac sign which represents freedom. Pet astrology makes it clear that Sagittarius animals hate to be kept on a leash or be cooped up. Although they hardly run away, they love to be out of doors and on their own.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Capricorn pets are serious, well-disciplined and calm. Ruled by planet Saturn, Capricorn pets are tedious and slow-moving, but they know how to get going when required. They are an exceptional option for those who do not have the patience or energy to handle a demanding or high-strung pet. They are stable and self-reliant.