Post Full Moon in Gemini Eclipse Twin flame Collective Mini Check In
Post Full Moon November 30, 2020 in Gemini Eclipse Twin flame Collective Mini Check In
The spirit is clearly telling you to release and surrender your worries and fears surrounding your relationship/connection. What is meant for you will always find its way. Releasing and surrendering are key components in magical workings in terms of correspondence to the Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse. Spirit recommends that you continue to nourish yourself, particularly over the holiday season. If you are in separation or in minimal contact with your twin, soulmate, or partner, make yourself your main priority. Take care of yourself and make your health a priority. Not only your physical body, but also take care to nourish your soul by doing the things that make you feel fulfilled and alive. You or your twin may have been suffering with some issues of self-worth. Engaging in the festive holiday season will help you to raise your vibration, which always helps your twin in return.
New beginnings in love with your existing twin or someone new are indicated here by the Wheel of Fortune, The Fook, and the Page of Wands. The favorable and benefic energy of Jupiter is shining over your love relationship or connection. For some within the collective, reconciliations will be happening during Aquarius season. Scorpio energy indicates the deepening of a bond of love in your connection. The four of pentacles indicates a solid and strong foundation that has already been built up or will be continuing to be within some of these relationships/connections. Material security is indicated. The eight of wands indicates forward movement, meetings, surprises, and passion. Some of these relationships are at a crossroads, but the gate is wide open for both partners to pass through into an improved relationship and connection, one of deeper understanding and trust.
For your own Personalized Twin Flame, Soulmates, and Lovers Oracle Reading, Visit my Offerings on the Saged Marketplace or Visit: https://www.astrologybymelody.com