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Aries energy is initiating, leading, and dynamic.  When the Moon is in Aries, this creates an opportune time to start new projects and jump head-first into any new endeavors. This powerful energy will help get you motivated and moving in the right direction. Aries energy is fast moving and doesn’t like to sit still. This also makes this an ideal time to engage in exercise or adopt a new exercise regimen. Some questions you can ponder upon to help you work with this Full Moon are: What can I release that will free up some of my time to start...

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The Full Moon in Pisces makes everyone feel emotional and deep feeling. This energy is creative, inspiring, and emotional, so take advantage of getting in touch with your most heart-felt emotions and deepest desires during this time. You may have an urge to create a deep and meaningful piece of art or writing. This Full Moon asks you to release any deep emotions that have felt heavy or burdensome for you recently. It’s an opportune time to practice some shadow work, as shadow work can help you connect with your deepest and darkest emotions. For this Full Moon, here are...

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New Moons provide an opportune time for planning, intention setting, and looking ahead.  Under the energies of the New Moons, charging and clearing out the old and bringing in the new is a great opportunity. New Moons provide favorable conditions for manifestation. It is an ideal time to charge your crystals or make Moon water that can be charged under the New Moon. Solar eclipses occur at the time of the New Moon, while lunar eclipses occur at the time of the Full Moon. These events amplify the energies of the specific new and full moons according to what zodiac...

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The Full Moon is a cause for a celebration and gratitude for our journey thus far. The Full Moon can tend to illuminate our shadows. Be mindful and release and lower vibrations that are no longer serving you and the greater good of all. The energies exhibited by the Full Moon also provide an opportune time for manifestation and shadow work.  It is also an ideal time to practice gratitude and give thanks to the previous season’s harvest and what you have personally accomplished on your journey thus far. Lunar eclipses occur at the time of the Full Moon. These...

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Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Mars and is connected to the 8th house of the zodiac. When there is a Full Moon in Scorpio, the energy is intense and powerful.  Pluto is often associated with the underworld and darkness. Mars can be associated with trauma and aggressiveness. The former and the latter often have many negative connotations associated with them. However, these traits and instances in our lives can also be a huge part of our growing and evolving spiritually. This brings us to the subject of shadow work.  The Full Moon in Scorpio provides us with an opportune...

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