The Summer Solstice- June 20, 2021
The Summer Solstice, or Midsummer, is a time for recreation, outdoors, fun, and adventure. Astrologically, the Sun is the ruler of Leo, and is connected with the 5th zodiacal house. This is a time to soak up the Sun’s rays, feel invigorated, and re-energized. The energy is fresh and light-hearted. Some activities include making sun-catchers, sun crowns, and sun tea. This will be the day where you can enjoy Sunlight for the longest amount of time.
In just a couple of days, we will be entering the caring and nurturing season of Cancer. With its gentle energy, Cancer season helps us to focus on our home and family lives. It is an opportune time to make your home your sanctuary, in which ever ways that personally resonate with you. It is also a time to celebrate traditions and pay homage to your ancestors and places of origin.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you work with the energies of the Summer Solstice:
- How can I benefit from the Sun’s rays?
- How can I connect with the power of the Sun?
- What recreational activities, trips, and celebrations would I like to engage in this Summer?
- Am I getting enough Vitamin D?
- What upcoming goals do I have for this season?
- What have I accomplished up until this time that I would like to celebrate?
Some Summer Solstice Esoteric Correspondences
The Summer Solstice and the Summer season corresponds to the Suit of Wands in the Tarot. Wand energy is fiery and quick moving. When you see cards from the suit of wands come up in a Tarot reading and are inquiring when something may happen, you can expect it to happen fairly quickly. If it is a person you are inquiring about, this person is usually made up of a fiery and passionate character.
The Summer Solstice time of year resonates with the Sun card in the Tarot. The Sun card relates to the energy of Leo and the fifth house. This card is all about pleasurable times, joyous occasions, amusements, recreation, and happiness. When you see the Sun card in a Tarot reading, it can also indicate children, depending on the cards around it. In this sense, the card also is tied to fertility and a light-hearted, child like energy.
To see what is in store for you this Summer Solstice and beyond, get a Special Summer Solstice Oracle Reading here:
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