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The Moon’s Lunar Nodes are always in combination with their polarity zodiac signs. Here we will take a closer look at the Moon’s North and South Lunar Nodes, what they mean, and what they can symbolize. The North Node In Vedic Astrology, the North node is known as Rahu. The Moon’s North Node is usually used as the symbol for the future moving forward.  This Node has been said to magnetically pull your soul towards its future growth.  Your North Node has been said to symbolize the highest area of expression to be reached in your current life and therefore...

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Harnessing the Power of the Planets & Zodiac Signs  Just as crystals correspond to chakras, the planets of our Solar System also correspond to the chakras.  Each chakra is ruled by a planet.  Each chakra possesses similar characteristics of their ruling planets.  Just as Crystals have different chakra correspondences, the planets and zodiac signs also do.  Here, we will discuss Zodiac Signs/Planets and Chakra correspondences.  Next in this section, we will then go on to introduce some Astrological Invocations that can be used during your Crystal Reiki sessions.  Zodiac Signs, Planets & Chakra Correspondences As above, so below.  The seven...

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Monday- Monday is the day of the Moon. The Moon represents our intuition and our space to just be still and flow.  This is a good day for the following activities: Sit with your emotions. Flow along side your inner river of needs and wants. Practice self-care. Get creative and explore your artistic side. Journal and meditate. Allow your intuition to take the lead. Crystals to work with the Moon: Labradorite- for expanding the mind and connecting to higher realms. Tuesday- Tuesday is ruled by Mars. Mars is the planet of action and energy. Tuesdays represent the courage needed to...

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The March equinox happens on Saturday, March 20, at 5:37am EDT in the Northern hemisphere. This date marks the start of the spring season. In the Southern hemisphere, the March equinox marks the start of autumn, while the September equinox marks the start of spring. On the equinox, the length of day and night is nearly equal in all parts of the world. We can now enjoy the increasing sunlight hours, with earlier dawns and later sunsets. On the March equinox, the Sun crosses the celestial equator going south to north. It’s called the “celestial equator” because it’s an imaginary...

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Your relocated chart is a horoscope cast for a different location to your place of birth. The zodiacal positions of the planets remain the same as in your natal chart, but their positions in the houses change. In days past, most people tended to remain close to where they were born. This is not the case today; transcontinental and international travel is commonplace. The purpose of a relocated natal chart is to reveal the influences you are likely to experience in different locations. The interpretations from an astrocartography reading can show you what to expect from the new location.  It...

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