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astrology, horoscope, natal astrology, Virgo, virgo season, virgo zodiac, zodiac signs -

The Sun enters the practical and nurturing sign of Virgo today! Let’s have a look at the energies of the day, as well as any major aspects the Moon will be making. The Sun is in Virgo With the Sun in Virgo, you will be feeling analytical, coupled with an appreciation of order, and you will have a practical approach to things. Precise and exacting work is your forte right now, and you will be exceptionally talented when attention to detail is required.  You will have a critical nature and the ability to offer constructive criticism wherever appropriate. However, be...

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astrology, beltane, flower moon, horoscope, lunar eclipse, natal charts, scorpio, taurus season, wheel of the year, zodiac signs -

Beltane is the midpoint between the Spring Solstice and the Summer Solstice. It marks the midpoint to prepare for the summer season. This celebration typically pays homage to the Sun.   Bonfires are popular during this time and help you to bond with the ancient elemental power of fire. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you work with the energies of Beltane: What recreational activities would I like to engage in this Summer? Am I planning any trips or vacations for the upcoming summer season? How can I harness the benefits of the Sun? How can I...

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astrology, full cold moon, full moon, gemini, horoscope, moon rituals, moon work, natal charts, zodiac signs -

Gemini relates to the third house which is all about communication and learning. Gemini is also ruled by the communicative planet of Mercury.  The energy of this Full Moon asks you to let go of anything that is not helping you to learn and grow within your immediate environment.  It also asks you to let go of unhealthy communication patterns or lack of communication within relationships. This energy wants to provide you with the ability to express yourself, your desires, needs, and wants when it comes to all the areas of your life. This is also an important time to...

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astrology, astrology lovers, birth chart readings, horsocope, natal charts, new moon, new moon in scorpio, scorpio, solar eclipse, zodiac signs -

This New Moon is also accompanied with a partial Solar Eclipse.   The energies of this New Moon will be intensified due to it also being a Solar Eclipse. It’s an ideal time to practice shadow work with this New Moon being in Scorpio. The shadow self is a counterpoint to the light and is a side to us that is not always easily expressed.  It has usually  been repressed or oppressed.  It can also be seen as an unconscious aspect of your personality that the conscious ego does not identify. Here are some ways you can practice shadow work: Review...

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astrology, Autumn Equinox, Fall Solstice, love, Lughnasadh, magical correspondences, new moons, pagan, rituals, wheel of the year, zodiac signs -

Lughnasadh is a  celebration that marks the midpoint between the Summer and Fall Solstices. Historically, mountains were climbed, wells were swathed in flowers, and bilberries were gathered. Lughnasadh was considered an auspicious time for handfasting. This is a time to show gratitude for the 1st Harvest of the year.   You can do this in some very simple ways.  Here are some simple activities you can engage in to celebrate Lughnasadh: Enjoy a bonfire. Do a nature walk. Water plants with intention. Cook in season foods. Decorate your home. You can journal about your intentions and goals for this Lughnasadh.  Focus...

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