The High Love Cards of the Tarot
Love has often been said to be the most important emotion of all time. It transcends languages and cultures. It has driven men to conquer fierce enemies and travel great distances. Love is timeless. Even as the times change, the driving force love emancipates in people remains the same. Here, we will examine some of the best love tarot cards.
What are some of the best Love Cards of the Tarot?
The Tarot is largely consulted for questions regarding love. Of course, love can be very complicated. What are some of the best love cards in the Tarot? The following cards are positive indicators for the quadrant who is seeking guidance regarding their love life. The more of these cards that show up in the reading, the better the chance of positive outcomes in love.
The Lovers
The Lovers card is the 6th card in the Major Arcana. It depicts two lovers standing under the Sun and an angelic being (Raphael) in the sky. This card symbolizes equality and harmony in love. It predicts a well-balanced and mutually loving relationship. This is one of the most popular love tarot cards to draw. When you receive the Lovers card, it usually indicates a pure soulmate relationship.
The Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups is the first card in the Suit of Cups in the Minor Arcana. It depicts a heavenly hand emerging from the clouds holding a goblet that is overflowing with water. There is also a dove pictured above the goblet. This card represents winning in love. Whatever the quadrant has inquired about will turn out even better than they had expected. Also, when you draw the Ace of Cups, you most likely will be embarking upon a new beginning in love.
The Page of Cups
The Page of Cups is the first court card in the Suit of Cups within the Minor Arcana. This card depicts a young noble man holding a golden cup. The page brings heart felt and emotional messages with him. He also brings successful new beginnings in love.
The Two of Cups
The Two of Cups is within the Suit of Cups in the Minor Arcana. It depicts a couple who are each holding a golden cup and reaching out to each other. This card symbolizes that a union has been made or is about to be made. If this card comes up for you, you can feel assured that yours is a bond made of true love.
The Nine of Cups
The Nine of Cups is within the Suit of Cups in the Minor Arcana. This card depicts a man sitting in a chair behind nine golden cups. This card has also been known as the wish fulfillment card. It sends the message that there will be positive outcomes regarding whatever the quadrant is inquiring about in love. If this card comes up for you in a Tarot reading, your wishes are about to be fulfilled!
The Ten of Cups
The Ten of Cups is within the Suit of Cups in the Minor Arcana. This card depicts a happy family looking upward at a rainbow with ten golden cups in the sky. This card symbolizes a happy family life, new beginnings, harmony in love, celebrations, and good times ahead. When you see this card during a Tarot reading, expect your relationship to move to a more committed level, or to be starting a family of your own!
The Empress
The Empress is the third card in the Major Arcana. This card depicts a Queen like figure sitting on a throne amid the wilderness. She sends the message of luck and fertility in love. This card also indicates a nurturing and compassionate love relationship. When you draw the Empress, this indicates either you have a partner or will be meeting a partner who is nurturing, loving, and will take great care of you!
The Four of Wands
The Four of Wands is the fourth card in the Suit of Wands of the Minor Arcana. This card depicts two people engaged in a celebration. They are standing in front of home like castle. This is a card indicating a strong, stable, and committed love relationship. When this card comes forth for you, it is a positive sign for a lasting relationship, engagement, or marriage.
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