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  Mercury is in Pisces until April 17, 2019. This puts it in the 8th house for Leo.  You will find yourself engaging in some deep conversations with several close people during this time.  These are much needed conversations and will serve as a form of talk therapy for you and those you are engaging with.  There will be some hard to process feelings and conveying them into words will prove to be challenging at times for you and the others.  None the less, these talks will be powerful and transformational.  Venus will be in Pisces until April 20, 2019. ...

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astrology, forecasts, horoscope, leo -

A forecast for Leo: Mercury is in Pisces until April 17, 2019. This puts it in the 8th house for Leo.  You will find yourself engaging in some deep conversations with several close people during this time.  These are much needed conversations and will serve as a form of talk therapy for you and those you are engaging with.  There will be some hard to process feelings and conveying them into words will prove to be challenging at times for you and the others.  None the less, these talks will be powerful and transformational.  Venus is in Capricorn until March...

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