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aries, aries full moon, astrology, astrology blog, divine feminine, horosocope, love, moon rituals, moon work -

The energy of this Full Harvest Moon in Aries is ambitious and independent. Aries, being connected to the 1st zodiac house, asks you to focus on yourself as an individual and your own self-growth. Since this is a Full Moon, focus on reflecting on your past growth and practice gratitude for the ways you have grown. To harness the energy of this Full Moon, you may want to ask yourself the following questions: How have I grown as an individual? How can I be more self-sufficient? What do I need to release that has hindered my self-growth? What habits should...

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88, 88 lions gate, astrological, astrology, astrology lovers, energy and ascension, leo, leo zodiac sign, lions gate, lions gate portal, love -

Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year, there is a cosmic alignment called, “the Lion’s Gateway”.  The Lion’s Gate opens on July 26th and runs until August 12th, peaking on August 8th. The Lion’s Gate is known to be a time of increased cosmic energy and when the veil is thinned between the physical and spiritual realms. The Lion’s Gate has ties to ancient Egypt and the alignment of the Egyptian pyramids. The Lion’s Gate corresponds with the fixed star Sirius.   The star Sirius is said to be twice the size of...

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astrology, birth chart readings, love, paganism, wheel of the year, winter equinox, winter solstice -

The Winter Solstice occurs during the hemisphere’s winter. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the December solstice (usually December 21st or 22nd) and in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the June solstice (usually June 20th or 21st). Although the winter solstice itself lasts only a moment, the term sometimes refers to the day on which it occurs.  Other names are the “extreme of winter” (Dongzhi), or the “shortest day”.  The solstice may have been a special moment of the annual cycle for some cultures even during Neolithic times.  Astronomical events were often used to guide activities, such as the mating...

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astrology, Autumn, autumn equinox, fall equinox, Fall Solstice, horoscope, love, mabon, magical correspondences, natal chart readings, paganism, wheel of the year -

Autumn is upon us. Mabon, also known as the Witch’s Thanksgiving, is the second harvest festival, and opposite Ostara on the Wheel of the Year. It is time to start to prepare for the harvest season with gratitude and delight! Here is a list of ideas to celebrate the season: Do a major clean up within your home and give items you are no longer using to charity. Bake bread or apple themed dishes. Have a bonfire. Go on a nature walk. Make a gratitude list. Restore balance in your home. Make Fall crafts and create autumn art. Visit a...

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astrology, Autumn Equinox, Fall Solstice, love, Lughnasadh, magical correspondences, new moons, pagan, rituals, wheel of the year, zodiac signs -

Lughnasadh is a  celebration that marks the midpoint between the Summer and Fall Solstices. Historically, mountains were climbed, wells were swathed in flowers, and bilberries were gathered. Lughnasadh was considered an auspicious time for handfasting. This is a time to show gratitude for the 1st Harvest of the year.   You can do this in some very simple ways.  Here are some simple activities you can engage in to celebrate Lughnasadh: Enjoy a bonfire. Do a nature walk. Water plants with intention. Cook in season foods. Decorate your home. You can journal about your intentions and goals for this Lughnasadh.  Focus...

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