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Monday- Monday is the day of the Moon. The Moon represents our intuition and our space to just be still and flow.  This is a good day for the following activities: Sit with your emotions. Flow along side your inner river of needs and wants. Practice self-care. Get creative and explore your artistic side. Journal and meditate. Allow your intuition to take the lead. Crystals to work with the Moon: Labradorite- for expanding the mind and connecting to higher realms. Tuesday- Tuesday is ruled by Mars. Mars is the planet of action and energy. Tuesdays represent the courage needed to...

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Pisces is the sign of the fish and and is connected to the 12th  house of the zodiac.  It exhibits a water element with a mutable mode. This flexible energy is deeply introspective, spiritual, psychic, and emotional.  It gives way to great creativity and insight. Pisces asks us to connect to our spirituality and focus on our dreams, our sleep cycles, and our intuition. Here are just a few activities and rituals you can use to help harness the powerful Pisces energy of the season. Take a relaxing ritual bath- Connect to the element of water and soothe your emotions. ...

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astrology, astrology readings, full moon, leo, leo moon, moon phases, zodiac signs -

The Full Moon in Leo in all of her illumination asks us to give gratitude for the journey thus far.  This full Moon asks you to let go of any fears and/or insecurities in your life. It is a time to confront any of your fears that may have been holding you back.  When working with the Full Moon in Leo energies, ask yourself some of the following questions: Have I identified my fears and insecurities clearly? How can I gain more awareness as to the validity of some of my fears, worries and doubts? Is there anyone in my...

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altar rituals, astrology, astrology readings, autumn equinox, fall, fall equinox, fall solstice, horoscope, mabon, rituals, zodiac signs -

The fall equinox, also called the autumnal equinox, September equinox, or Mabon, according to the Pagan tradition,  arrives on Tuesday, September 22, 2020.  Fall will begin in the Northern hemisphere while Spring begins in the Southern hemisphere.  The Fall equinox is all about us learning to balance our lives, as fall is the season that the days and nights are equal. It’s a time for giving thanks to the earth and to the harvest. Notable Quotes about the Autumn Equinox Autumn has caught us in our summer wear. – Philip Larkin, British Poet (1922-86) The hazy, cloudless skies of Indian...

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astrology, horoscope, leo, leo moon, moon in leo, new moon, zodiac signs -

A New Moon creates a sacred space in time for ritual, focusing on our desires, our dreams, and the birthing of new ideas and aspirations. Plant your seeds and wishes for fulfillment. Use this New Moon to go deep within and ask yourself what your heart wants to truly manifest. Write your intentions down in detail with an open heart and prepare for growth. The New Moon in the zodiac sign of Leo asks us to think and wish big. Leo is connected with our child-like energy and enthusiasm for life and asks us to unleash our inner child. Look...

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