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Samhain Blessing Spell To bless the past, present, and future during Samhain, tie with red ribbon a black, white, and red candle, light them and say, “As the past drifts away going into a fade, I hold with me, the fond memories that I’ve made.  I enjoy the present, for where I’ve stayed, it is nothing I would ever trade.  I embrace the future, for which I’ve prayed and welcome abundance for yet another decade.” Let the candles burn down (making sure to remove the ribbon when the flame draws near).   Samhain Prayer  The veil grows thin at the...

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aries, aries full moon, astrology, full moon, full moon ritual, horoscope, magical correspondences, zodiac signs -

Aries energy is initiating, leading, and dynamic.  When the Moon is in Aries, this creates an opportune time to start new projects and jump head-first into any new endeavors. This powerful energy will help get you motivated and moving in the right direction. Aries energy is fast moving and doesn’t like to sit still. This also makes this an ideal time to engage in exercise or adopt a new exercise regimen. Some questions you can ponder upon to help you work with this Full Moon are: What can I release that will free up some of my time to start...

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1010, 1010 portal, astrology, intention setting, life path number, manifestation, numerology, numerology forecasts, numerology life path, numerology readings -

The Numerology of Number 1 Number 1 represents individuality, independence, and self-sufficiency. This number resonates with a person who is original and unique. A person with a Life Path Number 1 also usually possesses high leadership characteristics and traits. This person is a strong individual and has a great ability to make their own unique mark on the world. The Numerology of Number 0 The Number 0 represents the infinite void. This number resonates with all that has been and all that will ever be. The Number 0 represents the entire Universe and each person’ individual connection to the whole...

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astrology, autumn equinox, autumn solstice, fall solstice, magical correspondences, solar celebrations, wheel of the year, zodiac signs -

Autumn is upon us! The days will start to lessen, as the nights will get longer.  It is time to start to prepare for the harvest season with gratitude and delight! Here is a list of ideas to celebrate the season: Do a major clean up within your home and give items you are no longer using to charity. Bake bread or apple themed dishes. Have a bonfire. Go on a nature walk. Make an Autumn potpourri. Decorate your home or your altar for Mabon.   You can work with and harness the powers of the Fall Equinox by writing...

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astrology, astrology forecast readings, astrology readings, astrology transits, birth chart readings, birth charts, full moon, full moon ritual, lunar, natal chart readings, new moon, pisces, pisces full moon -

The Full Moon in Pisces makes everyone feel emotional and deep feeling. This energy is creative, inspiring, and emotional, so take advantage of getting in touch with your most heart-felt emotions and deepest desires during this time. You may have an urge to create a deep and meaningful piece of art or writing. This Full Moon asks you to release any deep emotions that have felt heavy or burdensome for you recently. It’s an opportune time to practice some shadow work, as shadow work can help you connect with your deepest and darkest emotions. For this Full Moon, here are...

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