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astrology, capricorn, forecasts, horoscope, transits, zodiac -

A forecast for Capricorn: The Moon is in Aquarius until March 5, 2019. This puts the Moon in the second house of Capricorn. Mercury is in Pisces until April 17th, 2019.  This puts Mercury in the 3rd house of Capricorn. You will be engaged in heavy research either at your work place, within your career, or place of study. This will be a great time to develop new skills and gain new information. Venus is in Aquarius until March 26, 2019. This puts Venus in the second house for Capricorn.  You are likely to make some material gains during this...

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astrology, forecasts, horoscope, sagittarius, transits, zodiac -

A Forecast for Sagittarius: Mercury will be in Pisces until April 17th. This puts Mercury in the 4th house for Sagittarius.  There will be much discussion going on between you and your family members about some issues and opportunities that are important to you. Everyone may have their own valid opinion, but at the end of the day you must do what is best for you. Venus will be in Capricorn until March 1st. On March 2, it will move into Aquarius and be there until March 26th, 2019. This puts Venus in 2nd and 3rd houses for Sagittarius. You...

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astrology, forecasts, horoscope, scorpio, zodiac -

A forecast for Scorpio: Mercury is in Pisces until April 17, 2019. This puts Mercury in the 5th house for Scorpio.  You may be asked to participate in a sport or hobby that brings you much joy. You feel bright enthusiasm in this area and others may even ask you to discuss your knowledge about this activity.  Children around you may also play a big rule during this time and there could be news of a pregnancy. Venus is in Capricorn until March 1, 2019. Then on March 2nd it goes into Aquarius until April 20th 2019.   This puts Venus...

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aquarius, astrology, forecasts, horoscope, zodiac -

A Forecast for Aquarius: Mercury will be in Pisces until April 17, 2019. You will receive notice of some financial gains during this time.  You may also be presented with an attractive offer. You may be up for a promotion or a pay raise.  Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Venus will be in Capricorn until March 1, 2019.  On March 2nd, it moves to Aquarius and stays there until March 26, 2019.  You need to focus on giving yourself love and self -care during this time.  You have been giving so much to other areas/people in your life...

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astrology, forecasts, horoscope, leo -

A forecast for Leo: Mercury is in Pisces until April 17, 2019. This puts it in the 8th house for Leo.  You will find yourself engaging in some deep conversations with several close people during this time.  These are much needed conversations and will serve as a form of talk therapy for you and those you are engaging with.  There will be some hard to process feelings and conveying them into words will prove to be challenging at times for you and the others.  None the less, these talks will be powerful and transformational.  Venus is in Capricorn until March...

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