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Fall/Autumn Equinox September 22, 2020 – Magickal Correspondences and Altar Ritual
The fall equinox, also called the autumnal equinox, September equinox, or Mabon, according to the Pagan tradition, arrives on Tuesday, September 22, 2020. Fall will begin in the Northern hemisphere while Spring begins in the Southern hemisphere. The Fall equinox is all about us learning to balance our lives, as fall is the season that the days and nights are equal. It’s a time for giving thanks to the earth and to the harvest. Notable Quotes about the Autumn Equinox Autumn has caught us in our summer wear. – Philip Larkin, British Poet (1922-86) The hazy, cloudless skies of Indian...
New Moon in Leo- August 18, 2020
A New Moon creates a sacred space in time for ritual, focusing on our desires, our dreams, and the birthing of new ideas and aspirations. Plant your seeds and wishes for fulfillment. Use this New Moon to go deep within and ask yourself what your heart wants to truly manifest. Write your intentions down in detail with an open heart and prepare for growth. The New Moon in the zodiac sign of Leo asks us to think and wish big. Leo is connected with our child-like energy and enthusiasm for life and asks us to unleash our inner child. Look...
All Masterclasses at Astrology by Melody are Accredited by the International Association of Therapists!
All Master classes from Astrology by Melody are proudly accredited by the International Association of Therapists! You have the option to complete the course, along with a minimum of a 2-hour practicum and receive your Accredited certificate! Not only this, but you will then also be eligible for membership from the International Association of Therapists at a greatly discounted rate of $10 a year! Gain your accredited certificate remotely from the safety and security of your own home at your own pace! Learn about rich metaphysical topics that you love. With full support from Melody along your learning journey!
Full Moon in Aquarius- August 3, 2020
The Full Moon is time to release what no longer serves us. It is a time to close up a cycle and look forward to what is to come. The Full Moon in Aquarius asks us to embrace what makes us unique and different. It asks us to follow our own personalized paths and practice gratitude for the journey this far. Full Moon in Aquarius Energy and Correspondences Aquarius, or the water-bearer, actually exhibits an air element and a fixed mode. It is dually ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus. Aquarius can often find an inter conflict between conformity...
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