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Mercury enters Gemini on May 21st and stays there until June 4th.  This puts Mercury in the 1st house.  You may receive important news or advice from overseas or from someone far away.  This could help jumpstart some of your creative pursuits and projects in a very positive way.  The Aquarius Moon will be in the 9th house and will form a Trine with Mercury on May 24th.  This could signify the beginning of a new learning experience that may be beneficial to your long- term future.  Venus is in Taurus until June 8th.  This puts Venus in the 12th...

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astrology, forecasts, gemini, horoscope, transits, zodiac -

Mercury is in Pisces until April 17, 2019.  This puts Mercury in the 10th house. Your career will take off during this time as you will be meeting new contacts and doing some networking. You may be organizing an event or doing a presentation for some key people within your field.  Some important people will be impressed by either your speaking, writing, or presentation skills. Venus is also in Pisces until April 20th.  This is also the 10th house for Gemini. Things are looking great for your social status. You will be given praise from a boss, professor, or teacher. ...

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