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The energy of Libra focuses on all the important relationships in your life, both personal and professional.  This Full Moon asks you to re-evaluate all of these prominent relationships.  Take a close look at which relationships are working for you and which are not. This New Moon is also a Lunar  Eclipse! You can expect big breakthroughs in the areas of money, finances, love, and especially the arts. Ask yourself the following questions to capture the energy of this Full Moon: Which relationships are beneficial for you and which have you possibly outgrown? Are there any relationships that are toxic...

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astrology, astrology forecast, horsocope, spring equinox, spring solstice, wheel of the year, zodiac signs -

The Spring Equinox has also arrived! Now is the time to start planting new seeds and to create something new.  It is also a great time to set your intentions and goals for the season.  It is time to step into the light, as the days will start to stay brighter longer. Here are some questions to help you brainstorm and get you working with the Spring Equinox energies: What do I feel inspired to create? What clutter should I get rid of so that I can clear and recharge my space? What baking or cooking would I like to...

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astrology, astrology lovers, horoscope, moon calendar, moon forecast, moon magic, pisces, pisces moon -

The energies of this New Moon are intuitive, dreamy, healing, and spiritual. This is an excellent time to get in deeper touch with your own personal spirituality. You can create your own sacred space by filling it with the things that make you feel relaxed and in tune with the spiritual world. Pisces relates to the sleep cycle and dreams. Creating or using your own dream journal will help you connect with your subconscious. It is an ideal time to focus on your place of rest and what you can do to make your sleep a more pleasant experience. Some...

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astrology, astrology forecasts, full moon, full moon in virgo, horoscope, virgo, zodiac signs -

Virgo is home to the 6th zodiac house which is all about work related duties and managing healthcare. When the Full Moon is in Virgo, this is an opportune time to look at practical and household duties that need done. It is also an ideal time to do a check-in on our health and those that we hold dear. Use this time to make an organized list of tasks related to work related and health care duties. You can ponder over these types of questions to help you harness this Full Moon’s energy: Have I scheduled my doctor’s appointments such...

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aquarius, astrology, astrology forecast, horoscopes, new moon -

This New Moon is an opportune time for you to focus on your own originality and authenticity. Focus on building upon your unique character traits and what sets you apart from others. It’s also a great time to focus on humanitarian causes and the greater good of the collective. Think about some of the following questions to help you harness the energies of this New Moon: What sets me apart from others and how can I build upon those unique traits? What humanitarian causes am I passionate about? What does authenticity mean to mean? What unique contributions do I have...

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